Finans- och försäkrings-

branschens a-kassa

Layoff and short-term work

Layoff and short-term work means that employers can reduce working hours and wages, while employment generally continues as usual.

If you have been laid off, you cannot be considered to be unemployed. During such a period you are not entitled to benefit from us, because you are still at the employer's disposal. This applies regardless of whether you receive pay or not during the layoff. It is only if you become laid off and unemployed part-time or full-time that you can be entitled to benefit.

Short-term work

Short-term work aims to meet the serious crises that affect companies financially. By cutting down on working hours and wages, employees should be able to keep the job, and the company will get back on its feet faster when the crisis is over. The state then goes in and subsidizes part of the wage cost.

Short-term layoff

Short-term layoff means that the employer's salary costs can be halved by the state accounting for a larger part of it. This construction may be similar to short-term work, but the degree of subsidy is greatly increased, i.e. to 75 percent. The employee then receives more than 90 percent of the salary, which means that employees generally retain their pay despite reduced working hours. The purpose of this measure is to save Swedish jobs.

Becoming unemployed after short-term work/layoff

Should one become unemployed after the short-term work or the short-term layoff, the unemployment fund can skip this period of time when the benefit is to be calculated. The benefit is then calculated on the salary you had before the short-term work / short-term layoff. If the time with short-term work / short-term layoff is needed to fulfill the so-called working condition, it may be included and then it is the time for which you received a salary that is included in the working condition.